Thursday 25 January 2018

The 6th Dimension

Scientists have discovered a 6th dimension. However, like the 5th Dimension, the 6th dimension comprises a rock group, this one being very noisy and violent.

As the scientists tried to study the dimension, the loud and harsh music became too much for their ears.

"I couldn't hear myself calculate", said one scientist. "It was like 10 thousand copies of The Who were performing all at once and my eardrums were the stage."

Scientists were trying to find out if the dimension actually consists of the rock band, or if the band got stuck there looking for a record contract.

"We think maybe they picked a bad Youtube channel, or it was hacked by Russians, and they were downloaded to this 6th dimension."

Just as they got close to an answer, one scientist was hit on the head with an electric guitar. They decided study of this dimension can wait until the band gets older and more MOR, or breaks up.