Friday 8 December 2017

God's Editor

The Pope, God's official editor, has decided the Lord's Prayer needs a change.

At first I thought it was a typo in the prayer, but surely God wins every spelling bee He enters.

The word is "encomium".

God: Can you use it in a sentence, please? Oh wait, you're talking about ME, right?

If the Lord's Prayer needs a redo, that means one of two things: With this change, it will now be the true official word of God, and for centuries it's been wrong – OR – it's been right all this time, and now the Pope is ruining it.

Which is it? How can I now trust anything I read in the Good Book? This is an egregious mistake. There's never been one change to any of Chuck Norris's books. He gets it right the first time. And God can't?

I feel lost.