Saturday 30 September 2017

Puerto You-Owe

Trump is on to them.

The victims of the hurricane in Puerto Rico want everything done for them.

It's true.

You know who else wants everything done for them?

Cancer patients.

Patient: Excuse me, doctor? Can I have more chemotherapy?

Doctor: You again? You're becoming a real nuisance. I think you've stretched the concept of "patient" a little too far.

Even worse are unconscious people, like, say, survivors found in a plane crash. They must be removed, at great expense, by other people so they can be saved. Is it really worth it? I mean, if the unconscious person isn't willing to haul his own ass out of razor-sharp twisted metal. Should we encourage rescue, so that all unconscious people will now expect help? I-I-I-I d-o-o-o-o-n't know.

The worst offenders are dead people. When my dad died, I guess he expected us to call the funeral home and arrange things. He didn't lift a finger. In fact, we had to lift him. Embarrasing.

Stop asking for help, unless you don't want it.