Friday 3 February 2017

Pudding Proof

Wouldn't life be so much easier if the proof actually was in the pudding?

I'll have you know that, just for this blog, I spent a whole day sifting through and eating pudding – sponge, jello, blood, you name it.

Nothing. No proof. Except for how much diarrhea a person can survive.

I thought at first I was being too ambitious. I was hoping to find proof for string theory, or its competition, loop quantum gravity. Turned out it was just loops of poo on a plate.

Bill Cosby was the official spokesman for Jello pudding. So I looked for proof that he is a rat bastard rapist. No such luck, which is why he's still free.

Couldn't I at least find proof that I'm always right and my wife is always wrong?

Maybe I'll just keep eating until I find something.