Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lizard Brain

Forget this nonsense about asking Trump to show us his tax returns. I think we can assume he is rich enough that he's never paid a penny of tax in his life. It's a good thing the rich don't pay tax because what else would motivate them to be rich?

I want to see his MRI.

I want Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dr. Gupta and Dr. Dolittle to go on international t.v. and walk us through the MRI, neuron by neuron.

What I'm really interested in is the size of Mr. Trump's lizard brain.

Is it what I imagine it to be? Is his entire brain a lizard, sitting very still, waiting for prey, getting larger and larger with each meal, shedding its skin all over society?

I'd bet my tax refund on it.

The lizard part of the human brain is the part that's responsible for the more primitive aspects of our behaviour, like fear and aggression, plus just behaving like a general asshole in modern society.

Above is a picture of a Komodo dragon, or, Mr. Trump's MRI.

Gosh, I hope no one has deleted Mr. Trump's MRI. What a scandal that would be.